In conversation with Dinesh Vyas, Prism Johnson Limited, we seek an insight into the range of Germ-Free tiles and sanitary surfaces by H & R Johnson (India) specifically in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The following is the edited text from the conversation.
Tell us about the Germ-Free tiles. What is the speciality of the range?
The R&D arm of H & R Johnson India received commendation, when their innovation manifested in the form of an inorganic, antimicrobial compound, based on the proven science of silver ion’s anti-microbial properties. Immediately, the company’s tile production department teamed up with scientists, and what resulted was India’s first indigenous anti-microbial wall tile in the year 2010, marketed as Germ-Free tiles.
These tiles destroy any bacteria that comes into contact with its surface. Unlike many other biocidal coatings, the anti-bacterial compound is embedded in the tile glaze, and the action continues for the entire life of the tile.
What is the science behind Germ-Free tiles and sanitary ware?
It is based on scientific studies which demonstrate that silver ions kill and neutralise unicellular bacteria. In the presence of moisture, these special tiles release silver ions on the surface of the tile. The growth of microbes that come in contact with it are thus curtailed.
What would be the key application areas?
Health and hygiene are now the core of our lifestyle. All the surfaces (walls and floors) we interact with, should be kept as clean as possible. Spaces like bathrooms, kitchens, floors, hospitals, schools and public utilities are ideal places for Germ-Free tiles as they provide extra hygiene and keep fighting bacteria 24×7.
You have stressed on ‘Health and Hygiene’ in your Brand Collaterals. How is this aspect connected to your core idea of ‘lifestyle’?
Well, the on-going pandemic has underlined what we have been talking about – whatever our style is, these two factors are most important for life. I would like to add one more parameter here – care for the environment. Johnson’s Germ-Free tiles do not have any chemical biocides like triclosan or triclocarban; they are made using Johnson’s patented inorganic antimicrobial compound and do not add to the chemical runoff, unlike the host of other chemicals. No biocide kills 100% of bacteria, and these microbes grow very fast between the two cleanings. The Germ-Free tiles keep their fight on at all times and enhance the hygiene quotient of a healthy lifestyle!
Considering the COVID 19 Pandemic, have you seen the demands of your customers and professionals charge towards the selection of products? How will Germ-Free play a role in the post-pandemic world?
We have been making and selling some quantity of Germ-Free since 2010 itself. The pandemic brought more awareness for anti-microbial surfaces in designed spaces, and so we are seeing more enquiries now.
What are the future application areas for Germ-Free tiles and sanitaryware? Do you see new areas like hospitals, public buildings, institutions making a shift towards this range?
Technically yes. Practically, this should become the norm for one more reason: as we own the patent for the antimicrobial compound in, we would be able to make our Germ-Free products extremely affordable⊗

Kentistone Beige